1. Please continue to visit the website regularly, https://ceatruro.wixsite.com/my-site, we are constantly updating it and making it better. If you have any stories and photos to contribute to the ANS History page, specifically history of Blacks in Truro, or resources that we can post to the page, please email them to ceatruro@gmail.com including "for the website" in the subject line.
2. The CEA community meeting is next Wednesday, 6PM at the Truro Library Orange room. We have the capacity for 22 people to attend in person with COVID protocols in place.
3. The Colchester Affordable Housing Needs Study is looking at issues around housing and homelessness in Truro and Colchester County. As part of this study, a public survey is asking residents to share their housing experience. The survey takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. It can be accessed online at:
4. Youth Employment Opportunity- Please see the website for details and the resources to apply! Deadline April 30th: https://ceatruro.wixsite.com/my-site/team-1
5. Afrocentric Mind Body Breath
The Black Wellness Co-Op is hosting FREE mind/breath/movement sessions live on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9am starting May 4 to support wellbeing, and restorative efforts for folks in our community and is FREE for anyone who wants to participate. We will also provide guided meditation practice through our Facebook page to support daily practice. The log in info is below. Classes are designed for folks of all experience levels and can be engaged and practiced in ways that support you: on the mat, in a chair, from bed. Voice cues are given for our low-vision & Blind community members. Closed captioning is provided for our Deaf & Hard of Hearing community members. Space is trans, queer, and disability positive. Varied movement options are given, and the use of visualization is offered where movement doesn't feel like the right option. Hope you can join and if you have any questions please reach out! blackwellnesscoop@gmail.com Yours in community, Black Wellness Co-op Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99274772464?pwd=UW95OEFoUTF0dGVTU1VFekxsRFlYdz09 Facebook https://m.facebook.com/Black-Wellness-Cooperative-of-NS-Ltd-111136114083107/
Please share with those who may not have electronic access.
Your Community Enhancement Association,
Building a Stronger Community